1Gb/GigE Switch 1Gb/GigE Switch 1Gb/GigE Switch 1Gb/GigE Switch 1Gb/GigE Switch 1Gb/GigE Switch Optional  Security Camera(s) Optional  Security Camera(s) SUPER IMPORTANT!
NO PC / NIC CAN BE ALLOWED TO GO INTO STANDBY,... Cash Drawer Cash Drawer Cash Drawer Cash Drawer Receipt Printer Receipt Printer Combo DSL or Cable Modem
/ Router Combo DSL or Cable Modem
/ Router Combo DSL or Cable Modem
/ Router Combo DSL or Cable Modem
/ Router Combo DSL or Cable Modem
/ Router Combo DSL or Cable Modem
/ Router Combo DSL or Cable Modem
/ Router Dedicated Laser Printer
(for Reports) Admin Computer / GigE NIC Admin Computer / GigE NIC Admin Computer / GigE NIC POS2 / GigE NIC POS2 / GigE NIC POS2 / GigE NIC POS1 / GigE NIC (Database Host) POS1 / GigE NIC (Database Host) POS1 / GigE NIC (Database Host)